
Your input is important to us. Please provide your valuable feedback. Here are some testimonials from our clients:

Rassady Properties: Peace of mind, Highest Professionalism and Honesty in property management.
Date of Posting: 10 December 2018
Posted By: Docteur Lalla Touré
Consultant en Santé Publique, Dakar
Je suis heureux de témoigner que l'agence immobilière Rassady est celle qui m'a le plus impressionné quand je suis arrivé en mission à Dakar. Mme Ndiaye, que je surnomme "International", est vraiment celle qui s'est occupée de toutes les démarches nécessaires pour me trouver le logement qu'il me fallait. En plus elle est efficace, perspicace, et professionnelle.
Date of Posting: 12 November 2018
Posted By: Colonel Moussa Chérif
Attaché de défense à l'Ambassade de Côte d'Ivoire, Dakar
I relocated from Europe to Senegal with many property-related requirements – but found myself in a difficult situation. Unable to read or speak French well, I tried searching properties on the internet but found that property photos and descriptions were lacking. I also found it difficult to contact agents and have them set up appointments to view properties.

However, I was extremely lucky to be introduced to Khady Ndiaye of Rassady Properties. On the first meeting, Khady made me feel so welcome. She listened very carefully and asked all the right questions.

The following day I was pleasantly surprised to receive a phone call from Khady advising me that she had been researching properties and was going to view two properties that day to make sure they were suitable so that she wouldn’t waste my time.

That afternoon Khady called back to inform me that one of the properties she viewed was not acceptable and that the second one was a very good option. In the meantime she had located a third property which was a “new build” option. Khady sent me photos of the properties and asked that I take a look to make sure we were on the same page. Both looked really interesting so Khady made an appointment the following morning at 10am to view the properties.

I fell in love with the first property – it was clear that Khady had understood exactly what I wanted and had somehow managed to find a ‘needle in a haystack’. She negotiated a very good lease agreement that the property owners and I were happy with.

Khady followed up post-signing to make sure that everything was fine and also assisted with extending the lease contract.

I highly recommend Khady to anyone requiring real estate services in Dakar and would be more than happy to personally clarify the above.
Date of Posting: 21 October 2018
Posted By: Ricardo Ortuzar
Country Manager, Boya Gold (Australian gold exploration company), Dakar
Mme NDIAYE Khady était la responsable d'un cabinet de gestion immobilier à notre arrivée au Sénégal et c'est avec elle que nous avons décidé de trouver une Villa il y a quelques années.

Son professionnalisme et son écoute des besoins exprimés de ses clients, nous ont permis de ne visiter "que" quelques maisons, ce qui est, il faut le reconnaître, plutôt rare à Dakar ou on ne tient pas compte de vos critères!

J'ai retenu très vite celle qui me convenait et cinq ans après d'y être encore!

De même Mme NDIAYE joue pleinement son rôle de lien entre les locataires et les propriétaires, ce qui permet d'avoir des relations saines et constructives entre la tripartie.

Je ne peux que la conseiller pour un besoin de logement.
Date of Posting: 19 October 2018
Posted By: Philippe Lafont
Directeur Général Sénégal - Délégué Pays Gambie et Guinée Bissau, CFAO Motors, Dakar

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